Have you ever wondered about injustice?
Sonja Harper

About how everyone suffers an injustice in their life at one time or another? Or even better: why are some able to overcome the injustice that has happened to them? Yet others are never able to overcome the injustice, and bitterness seeps into their lives and poisons their souls. The truth is, we must learn to accept the injustices that come our way, but we do not have to let injustice ruin our hearts, souls, and minds. God tells us we will suffer many trials. But take heart! He will never forsake us or leave us. —Deuteronomy 31:6. 

Some of us have more injustices happen than others. But it is crucial not to let your circumstances define you, and as a child of God, know that God promises that “all things work together for good to those who love him”!  

—Romans 8:28.

There are two keys to this verse:

  • The first is that “all things” mean the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of our lives.
  • And the second key is “to those who LOVE him.” Not just anyone can expect God to work all things for their good—only those who love him, know him, and obey him.

In saying this we, as overcomers, can tell our story as long as we adhere to Truth, Love, and Forgiveness. Telling others the Truth of our injustice to help those who have gone through similar circumstances. 

Most often our Pain can become our Purpose or our Passion for helping others. In doing this, we are loving others, stepping out of our comfort zone to re-walk the painful paths of our past. But great healing comes with this and we can only become healed through forgiving the injustices that have happened to us.

Every word on this website is uttered in truth, love, and forgiveness. I pray that my story will show God’s Glory. I hope through these pages you will begin to know that the same God I am sharing with you is the God you can worship too. Everything he has done for me he will do for you. He is not a respecter of persons. —Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11.

I will write about my injustices in hopes others can learn and realize they have a God who loves them. How high, how wide is his love. —Ephesians 3:16-19.

I will write about Truth. We are to expose the darkness. —Ephesians 5:11. The Truth will set you free. —John 8:31-32. I will write in total sincerity, genuineness, and transparency. I will be honest even to a fault. Every true story I reveal is done in love and forgiveness. 

We are to love our enemies and to forgive them. My prayer is that God will heal their hearts of all bitterness from the injustices they feel they have endured. 

It is time we take off our masks even though it means we will face vulnerability. It’s time to stop religiosity. It is time to have a relationship with the almighty God who created us. 

It is time to get real.

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