Against All Odds
Sonja Harper

Once upon a time God put 2 of the most unlikely humans together called mom & daughter! One being born of a women by birth and then adopted by a women who could not have children of her own.

God sometimes creates the most unimaginable circumstances to help grow two people to show them & others with God all things are possible. Each one was on opposite ends of the spectrum in personality, you could not have found two people more unalike and yet on the same end of the spectrum as each had a shattered Identity. Both experienced trauma in childhood having their identities ripped out from under them, one being removed from a family of poverty and dysfunction and the other believing a lie until the age of 10 when the mother she had always known was not at all her mother and the real one showed up at her door. God brings us into those messy places because when we are weak he is strong.

For years each one was unable to truly love as they both so desperately wanted and needed to be loved.. Yet neither one had been shown love so how could they possibly give something that was not familiar to them? They both did their best as through the years they would drop little morsels of love , but their differences melted those little morsels of effort. Soon perceptions of one another crept in and bitterness took root and sadly as they both became older a deep hatred took the place in their hearts for each other. A hatred that turned their hearts to stone that had once been filled with flesh and hope as a innocent child.

The years of resentment went by and as cold as the winter so grew their relationship. Each one lost in the sea of unforgiveness .....

But we know that God works ALL things for the good of those who love him; Romans 8:28 meaning the good, bad and ugly.....

And because of the love for him he was able to turn the first heart of stone to flesh and heal brokenness and break the chains of unforgiveness. And when the dark clouds of unforgiveness began to break the rays of light come piercing through and perceptions of understanding began to form of the love they both never knew...

Their Love began to grow and soon there was a peace that surpasses all understanding and that made perfect sense .Only God can reveal the unimaginable can become manageable..

It is only Love that can conquer the evil of bitterness ,hatred , unforgiveness & only Love that can beat all odds! And for this I am very thankful that God removed my heart of stone and turned it to flesh... In loving tribute to the women who I now know has so much strength, my Mom........

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