Big Bold Letters
Sonja Harper

We never know how God is going to use us, he uses us as his vessel in the most unconventional ways. We just have to be open to his spirit as he speaks to us with a small still voice. Be still and know that I am God Psalm 46:10

A few years ago I was riding on a plane with my husband and we had a 4 hour flight ahead of us, as I am sitting there a thought comes to me: " I really need to utilize this time to write notes for my up coming meeting with Michelle - The Ghost writer that will be interviewing me for my book".

I was in a new season of my life and as I saw my dream of writing my own testimony coming to fruition, I still was not able to completely and confidently wrap my mind around it, after all it was God who was aligning my steps and making this happen, this I knew. Bust still there is a inner nagging voice that tells us we are incapable ,we are not good enough, we are not I still sit there and say " God, do you really want me to write this book"?

I can only imagine God scratching his head saying " Didn't I send you the ghost writer you had prayed to me for? And didn't I send you an angel 20 years earlier ( Another blog to be written) to tell you ,you should write a book one day? My child just have faith and Trust in me... Proverbs 3:5, but most importantly Obey me!

So as I take out my phone to type my notes, I notice something very strange...My text pops up in big black bold letters and I'm thinking what is going on? Now I am not the most tech savvy and I thought well I will just have to go with it, as Randy was reading and I decided not to disturb him. I type out my script of notes, chapter titles to my stories, I wanted to be sure to include in my book, I typed out messages from my grandmother that she had given me as a child, teaching me, encouraging me and my faith in a amazing God that we serve. She taught me so many life lessons just by her actions ,by me watching her. What a inspiration she became to me as I entered adulthood and faced many trials in my own lifetime. She was the most beautiful Godly women I knew!

Soon our plane had reached its destination as the pilot comes across the speaker and says to prepare for landing. Time had removed me and before I knew it, it was time to close my we were landing I told Randy that I had to get off the plane as I needed to go to the lady's room after drinking so much tea... it was like NOW , I need to get off and he says, ok, I'll meet you in the airport and wait by the restroom. As I am hurrying off the plane, literally no more did I step inside the terminal I no longer had to go, now this was very strange but I just thought well I will stand here and wait. I suddenly felt a hand tap me on my shoulder, thinking it was Randy but to my dismay it was a gentleman standing looking me square in my eyes. And he says, " Miss I owe you an apology, on the plane I was sitting behind you and I was reading everything you were writing....I want to tell you I think God was using you for me....You see my mom passed away a year ago and everything you were typing is what she had always told me about God, and I have been searching for God and he showed up today through you...He had tears streaming down his face. I in return immediately said, NO ,please No ,do not apologize because you see I have been questioning God too asking him if he really wants me to write this book? My testimony ...You have just given me confirmation thank you he walks off I had so many things going through my mind.. like I was visibly shaken and as Randy neared me he could see this as I am white as a ghost! I tell Randy what just happened and he smiles his usual smile and says " Sonja ,I have told you, you have a story to write for God and YES , See"? I am then thinking, asking God, telling him " Thank you, Thank you God for my confirmation ", and then ," Please God let this gentleman be at baggage claim so I can speak to him again"! As I near baggage claim I see him and go straight to him, I asked to give him a hug and I said " Do you realize how much God Loves you"?.... We exchanged a few more words and I thanked him that God and he had blessed me that day, by knowing I am called to write this book.

I know that day God showed up for 2 people questioning him, my life has never been the same and I am pretty sure this gentleman's life has never been the same as well. You see, the two things I know, God purposely put those big black bold letters up for this gentleman to be able to see my written notes, second, God needed to get me off that airplane and be solo so this man would have the courage to tap me on my shoulder to give me his message...

We serve an amazing God who loves us...Ephesians 3:18 , Never underestimate the power of God and what he will do in your life. Even when we don't understand, He can work his message through us in Big Bold Letters!

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