There is Hope in the dark places of our story.

Are you wrestling with your identity and purpose? Have you ever felt alone, abandoned, unseen or misplaced?

We have an epidemic today in our world; A Identity Crisis. My Hope is for you to know my heart and experience the God that I know, the God who created you for a Purpose. Start on the path towards emotional healing of Forgiveness and let God's unconditional love grow in you. 

Recent Blog Posts

I’ve been thinking lately about illusions. I spoke last week at a youth retreat and had the idea to speak on illusions. The more I think about what an illusion is, the more I realize how our society is filled with them.  Definition of illusion—something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of […]
The Rock
Many times, in life we learn to live with the ebb and flow of the changing tides. The waves can get a little bumpy but what do we do when the storm clouds come sneaking in? Often in my life I look back and realize how important bible scripture has prepared me in those uncertain and difficult phases of life, the life of many trials
Message For Us All: My Chains Have Been Broken
Here’s a message for us all:  My chains have been broken; I've been set free.  I can now be the person God created me to be!  ❤️ 🙏🏼 How many of us have been carrying around chains? Chains of just to name a few.  Each one is a ball and chain, binding us to strongholds, […]

About Sonja Harper

I have walked through dark seasons and storms in my life, that have been calmed only by the power of Jesus. Through identity struggles, depression, abandonment and more, I have experiences firsthand that what the enemy meant for evil, God uses for Good! May God Bless you as you discover your Identity in his TRUTH. And may you discover UNSHATTERED HOPE on your Journey!